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Natural Light is Good for You: Take Advantage of it

Everyone knows that natural sunlight helps the body produce Vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption, immune system health, and that sunlight also has huge effect on our moods. There is less light to be had in the wintertime, obviously, because the days are short and nights are long. You can help care for the health of everyone in your home by making certain your home uses as much natural lighting as possible.

Skylights, extra windows, bay window seats, and glass-enclosed sunrooms are all wonderful ways to let plenty of natural light into your home. With today’s green technology advances, the composite materials used to frame the windows and skylights are vastly superior to the original types that were being utilized in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. These newer windows are airtight, but they let in plenty of sunlight. You can control the climate in a sunroom, having it heated in winter and cooled in summer, just like the rest of your home.

 The advantages of utilizing as much natural light as possible in your home are that:

  1. You protect your health and that of your family.
  2. You save energy costs, because you need much less artificial light, especially in summer, when the days are so long.
  3. You can have a wonderful outdoor room that allows you to comfortably enjoy the outdoors all year long. Sunrooms like this also make great places to engage in hobbies that require plenty of natural light, such as painting and drawing, or caring for houseplants.

Sunlight is important to every living creature in some way, and we humans are no exception. Use as much natural light as you can in your new green home. You’ll be happier, and your immune system will thank you, too.

Natural Light is Good for You: Take Advantage of it

Everyone knows that natural sunlight helps the body produce Vitamin D, which is essential for calcium absorption, immune system health, and that sunlight also has huge effect on our moods. There is less light to be had in the wintertime, obviously, because the days are short and nights are long. You can help care for the health of everyone in your home by making certain your home uses as much natural lighting as possible.

Skylights, extra windows, bay window seats, and glass-enclosed sunrooms are all wonderful ways to let plenty of natural light into your home. With today’s green technology advances, the composite materials used to frame the windows and skylights are vastly superior to the original types that were being utilized in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. These newer windows are airtight, but they let in plenty of sunlight. You can control the climate in a sunroom, having it heated in winter and cooled in summer, just like the rest of your home.

 The advantages of utilizing as much natural light as possible in your home are that:

  1. You protect your health and that of your family.
  2. You save energy costs, because you need much less artificial light, especially in summer, when the days are so long.
  3. You can have a wonderful outdoor room that allows you to comfortably enjoy the outdoors all year long. Sunrooms like this also make great places to engage in hobbies that require plenty of natural light, such as painting and drawing, or caring for houseplants.

Sunlight is important to every living creature in some way, and we humans are no exception. Use as much natural light as you can in your new green home. You’ll be happier, and your immune system will thank you, too.