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 When considering the flooring in your new green home, consider these facts:

 • Bamboo flooring is sustainable. Bamboo grows to maturity much more quickly than other wood types.

• Cork is also sustainable, and easily recyclable, so it would be simple to find salvageable cork flooring.

• There are many types of recycled flooring available, from wood to tile, to carpet. Many people who are building green homes are refusing to put carpet in their homes, because traditional commercially-made carpet manufacturing processes give a rather unhealthy product that puts off strong fumes that can make people sick. There is another option out there: Recycled carpet. That’s right, recycled carpet. It’s not what you think. Recycled carpet is made from post-consumer plastic containers such as milk jugs and water bottles. One square foot of this soft, stain-resistant and attractive carpet keeps 40 plastic containers out of the landfill. There are also none of the harsh fumes to be contended with, and the carpet comes in a multitude of attractive colors. Reclaimed wood flooring can also be very attractive. Imagine having the aged-wood patina of an antique floor in oak, cherry, walnut, or even chestnut flooring in your home. Definitely, this is an attractive option that saves trees by using already- made and reclaimed wood. Cork flooring can also be reclaimed and reused, and makes a lovely addition to any new home. There are many, many options available in flooring for your new green home. Ask your builder about all of the fashionable, yet eco-friendly options available to you.